Sunday, October 18, 2009

taylot switch

taylot switch

taylot switch

Both John and I like Taylor Swift, she is a talented beautiful girl, who seems very down to earth and writes cute we have had her latest "Fearless" CD for awhile. From the first time we ever listened to the CD in the car, Alyssa has loved the "Love Story" song. She can sing the words and begs to listen to the song over and over again when ever we are in the car. She can even hear one note of it play over the speaker in the grocery store and she will yell "Mom, its LOVE STORY!" Needless to say it is her favorite song.....

So yesterday morning I was flipping through channels while I was feeding Sierra and saw that Taylor was going to be doing a concert on the Today Show. Alyssa had always listened to the song but I don't think she had ever actually saw who sang it. So I decided to hace her come watch it.... of course we are watching and before she even started singing the song Alyssa loved her because she was wearing a princess dress (which she is also obsessed with) so then "Taylor Switch" as Alyssa calls her, started singing LOVE STORY. Alyssa freaked out! I have never seen anything so cute/ funny in my life! She was dancing all over the living room singing and she ran in her room to get her princess dress so her and Taylor could both wear their princess dresses. Since she was so dang cute, I hit the record button on the TV so that she could watch the song again so John could see how cute she was with it....needless to say we have watched it at least 100 times since yesterday morning because she just keeps begging me to let her watch it again and again!

I am not sure I like the idea of my two year old already idolizing a singer like that but if I had to choose one for it to be I think Taylor Switch would be my pick. She seems to be a very down to earth girl who hasn't let the fame go to her head yet. Anyway if you want a good laugh when you see us just ask Alyssa about Taylor Switch and Love Story :)